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This is like nothing I have ever experienced. I am laying in my tent right now and I stink. It is hot, humid, and raining, but I have never felt more confirmed that I am in the right place in my entire life. Over the past few days, I have been praying continually that I am able to put away my false identity and that I would completely surrender to God’s plans for me. Over the past weeks, I have begun to spend more time in prayer and in the Word and I feel like my prayers were always the same. Then in Worship, a leader came and prayed over me and told me that the Lord has heard my prayers and that He is going to take me on a journey this year and when He was finished, He has special plans for my life. She told me that Jesus would use my skills to reach people that only I can reach. She also confirmed that I don’t need to worry about the things I left behind at home. She also confirmed that my new identity is in Jesus.
That night once again I was in my hot stinky tent praying for people on my squad. The
Lord continued to say “Katherine”. I hadn’t had a conversation with her at all up to this point.
The next morning, I got up early to pray then I went to the breakfast meeting spot. Guess who came and set beside me at the table? Yes, Katherine. I was able to share with her what the Lord had put on my heart the night before. Later in worship, I felt like The Lord was telling me to go pray with her. It has been a long time since I’ve really felt the Lord was asking me to do things, so I resisted. The calling didn’t stop. I confessed that it was difficult for me. I was praying and telling the Lord that I would do it if He really wanted me to. Then Katherine tapped me on the shoulder because the Lord was telling her the same thing. Wow! This was a turning point for me. I am done second guessing if this is really the Lord. I know He is moving in my life in a mighty way! The first few days have been amazing!
Below are squad members who are still fundraising. If you feel called to partner with
what the Lord is doing through our Squad, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for your support and prayers!!

Squad Members fundraising pages

4 responses to “Training Camp”

  1. YES BANKS!!! Wow, So glad you are with us and so glad you shared this testimony of how God is changing and working in your life. Your obedience and open hands will be used more than you know brother!

  2. Banks, the Lord is doing great things in your life! Excited to go on this adventure with you

  3. Cmon Banks!
    I know it might sound cheesy or corny but I can see more and more that the Christ in you is something you can absolutely bank on !
    Every little obedience in the right direction makes you stronger and build your faith to do it the next time. No shortcuts. Just a simple journey of trust and surrender, abandonment and brokenness.
    As you’re finding out he is so worthy of your childlike faith and trust and will never let you down let alone, leave or forsake you.
    I know you’re only at the beginning but the words spoken over you about god working in you ,around you, through you and in spite of you is spot on. How can the creator, sustainer, sanctifier, glorifier, etc not finish what he’s begun in you. Just keep on following him and being with him my brother, he’s got you and he’s got this.
    Great blog so encouraging

  4. “I am done second guessing if this is really the Lord.” That got me! So so good! He speaks and he speaks to you! So excited to see you continue to walk in this trust that sprouted upward all the way back at training camp!

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